After months of keeping them under wraps, I’m thrilled to finally share my latest collection of paintings: Summer Safari. This series marks a new direction in my work, and I’m excited to invite you into the stories behind these pieces.
A journey to Africa

Last June, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Tanzania on safari. It was an adventure that awakened my senses and filled my mind with inspiration. Each day, we immersed ourselves in the rhythms of the land—the symphony of hoofbeats as wildebeest and zebras prepared for the great migration, the vivid hues of birds and wildflowers dotting the savannah, and the quiet presence of wildlife such as lions, elephants, and cheetahs. The experience felt like stepping into a living, breathing painting.
Translating the experience into art

Upon returning to my studio in Gore, Quebec, I began pouring these memories onto canvas. My process was slower and more deliberate than usual. With a small paintbrush in hand, I made rhythmic marks to echo the pulse of life I had felt in Tanzania. Though I am typically an abstract painter, this series leans more figurative, incorporating elements of folk art. It’s a new approach for me, but one that felt natural as I sought to capture the patterns and textures I saw on safari.
Universal connections
As I worked, I thought often about the connections between the natural world in Africa and the creative language we all share. The dots, lines, and repeated shapes in these paintings reflect not only the flora and fauna of Tanzania but also universal symbols found in folk art around the world, including here in Quebec. Art has a way of showing us how deeply connected we are, even when our experiences seem worlds apart.
Highlights from the collection
The first painting I shared, The Bush Camp, tells the story of African sunsets and the sounds of the wilderness at night—zebras calling, wildebeest rutting, and lions roaring in the distance. Another piece, Morning Hike, captures the quiet anticipation of early morning walks, when we listened carefully for nearby footsteps or distant roars, surrounded by the striking patterns of zebras and the bright blooms of wildflowers.

These paintings are not just about the sights I encountered but also about the emotions and sensations they stirred. The vibrant purples, yellows, oranges, greens, and blues on my canvases mirror the energy and beauty of those moments.
What’s next?
The Summer Safari series is a reflection of how travel and new experiences shape my creative practice. Sharing these paintings feels like sharing a part of my journey, and I’m eager to see how they resonate with others. I’ll be revealing more pieces in the coming weeks, so stay tuned to my social media for updates.
Thank you for following along on this adventure with me. Whether you’re an art lover, a fellow traveler, or simply curious, I hope these paintings inspire you to see the world’s beauty in new ways.